Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Guat city...

So…I have been here for a little over a week and things have been going great. I’ve had a lot of firsts, not in any particular order. My first pan dulce, my first cup of te negro (that’s for you michelle!), my first trip to the market with my host mom, my first pollo campero ice cream with chocolate and peanuts of course, my first Spanish class, my first bout with a sick stomach, my first bus ride alone (not as scary as I thought it would be), my first dinner with my host family (whom I totally adore), first trip to Antigua (baila, baila, baila!), first trip to the lake Atitlan, first meal with the other two SALTers Luke and Paige that we cooked together (see picture). I’m sure the list could go on and on but that’s how I’ll end it. I’m just trying to soak it all in as much as possible!
Some things that I still can’t believe: that I’m actually here, it feels so familiar yet still so new; a pound of bright red strawberries costs only 5 Quetzales, which is less than 50 cents in US currency; a dozen roses as beautiful as they get costs only 10Q, just over a dollar; that I have a cell phone and that incoming calls are free for me! (my number is 011-502-5775-9025, take the hint); and that my Spanish will get better (this whole language learning thing is harder than I remember).
Just a few more details about my host family. I have a host mom and dad. My mom runs a restaurant out of our house; it’s definitely a family affair and her food is SO delicious. She is a total hoot. I have two host brothers and a host sister. My younger brother is 22, working nearly full time and going to school to be a lawyer, the other is going-on 35, speaks 6 languages and gives private English classes when he isn’t helping out around the house, and my sister is 12 and a total diva. We often dance and sing together. There are always people coming and going and the house is full of music and laughter. I find my host family very similar to my own. This makes me feel right at home and I am super grateful for that.
In true form, I am writing this while procrastinating doing my Spanish homework so I should be going. But…thanks to you all for your time and attention. Oh…one last thing. If you want to send snail mail (another hint) my mailing address is as follows:
Comite Central Menonita
c/o Erin Murray
Apartido 1779
Ciudad de Guatemala
Guatemala, C.A.

Take care peeps. Lots of love.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

let the adventure begin!

so...i have been here in akron, pa orienting for the last week. to follow up on my last post...i did in fact fall in love with just about everyone here, all for different reasons. :) and let me tell you it has been incredible but not easy. when you are surrounded by 130 unique people, all with their own story, it takes a lot of energy not only to get to know them but to share your own story. i will admit, although there wasn't much sleep to be had, it was all energy well spent. we have been saying goodbye since last night and will continue to do so throughout the day. i leave here in 30 minutes. which brings me to the next thing...I WILL FINALLY BE IN GUATEMALA TONIGHT!!! and to say the least, i am excited! it feels as though i am at yet another new beginning and if you know me well you know i love newness and change (despite the packing that is implied. :)) for the next couple of days we will be living in an mcc apartment and orienting to the mcc guatemala team. i can't wait to finally meet the our country reps and the rest of the people serving for mcc in guate! after our official orientation is done we will begin language study for a month, move in with host families and hopefully do some weekend tripping to near by hot spots.

well, there you have it...the brief overview of my next month. hope all is well with you where ever you are. <3

Monday, August 10, 2009

getting oriented...

hey all!

just a quick update. i am writing from akron, pa where i am with numerous other people getting ready to do service either here in the north america or across seas. there are people here from africa, asia, middle east, latin america, cananda and the united states. what an incredible mix it is! we are living with one another, eating with one another, learning from one another, laughing with one another, singing with one another and before long i can safely say we will be loving one another. it is amazing the kind of connection that can be discovered between people that are getting ready to put themselves into very vulnerable positions... what i have learned about myself it that i love this kind of setting more than anything else. where real people come together to be in real relationship. added benefit...we will all be able to be of support to one another and to relate in ways that only people who are sharing the same experience can. for this a am already grateful.

that being said...i am ready to be in guate already! :)


Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Testing, testing, 1, 2, 3...

Hey Y'all-

So I'm not so sure about this whole blogging thing but I figured I'd give it a whirl. Update... t-minus 3 days 'til go time...

Stay tuned...

with love,