Monday, August 10, 2009

getting oriented...

hey all!

just a quick update. i am writing from akron, pa where i am with numerous other people getting ready to do service either here in the north america or across seas. there are people here from africa, asia, middle east, latin america, cananda and the united states. what an incredible mix it is! we are living with one another, eating with one another, learning from one another, laughing with one another, singing with one another and before long i can safely say we will be loving one another. it is amazing the kind of connection that can be discovered between people that are getting ready to put themselves into very vulnerable positions... what i have learned about myself it that i love this kind of setting more than anything else. where real people come together to be in real relationship. added benefit...we will all be able to be of support to one another and to relate in ways that only people who are sharing the same experience can. for this a am already grateful.

that being said...i am ready to be in guate already! :)


1 comment:

  1. Ah, yeah! That sounds right. And great.

    But dangit, Erin, I was checking your Fb page to see when you'd be in Boston again. I'm officially moving today.

    But I'm excited to see what you'll do and see in Guatemala, too. Best best best.
